If you owe the IRS and have a refund on your tax return, the IRS will keep the refund and apply it to your unpaid taxes. The problem is not repaying the debt – you...
Read PostCategory: Divorce and the IRS, Innocent spouse, IRS Financial Statements, Unfiled returns
IRS problems and divorce often come bundled together. Here is my response to a question I recieved about how a divorce decree impacts the IRS in the collection of an unpaid tax liablity: My ex...
Read PostCategory: Divorce and the IRS, Innocent spouse
The IRS cannot take collection action against the separate income of a non-liable spouse. If separate tax returns are filed, only the person who signed and filed the return is legally obligated to pay the taxes....
Read PostCategory: Divorce and the IRS, Innocent spouse, IRS levies and property seizures, IRS Seizures